Meet the Pit Bulls in Our Breeding Program

BadtotheBone Anamu

Anamu was born on September 1st 2023. He is the son of TCK Buddha and BadtotheBone Wild Child. Anamu is a beautiful blue brindle beast weighing in at about 90 lbs. If you see Anamu, Steele isn't too far behind! They are inseparable.

BadtotheBone Mistress of Air

Pegasus was born on September 1st, 2023. She is the daughter of TCK Buddha and BadtotheBone Wild Child. Pegasus is blue brindle and white, showcasing the classic and timeless look that defines the APBT breed. Pegasus loves to spend her time with her brother Anamu, playing with tug toys and hanging from the spring pole. 

Badtothebone Wild Child

female blue pit bull
Cardi was born on October 12th 2021. She is the daughter of Dream and an ICK Osiris granddaughter. She is about 75 pounds and 21 inches tall. Cardi is registered as an American Pit Bull Terrier with the United Kennel Club. Her look is from the razor edge bloodline and iron cross kennels bloodline.
Pedigree: BullyPedia

BHB's Steele Maiden

Steele was born on August 28th 2023. She is the daughter of Saint Laurent and Divine Royalty of BlueHazeBullyz. Steele is a gorgeous 90 lb girl with an amazing personality to match! She loves to hang out with the pups and chase Anamu around the property. 

XDP Pragues Golden Child

xl pit bull
Audemars was born on July 7th 2021. He is the son of the famous Black Panther Pit Bull Prague. Audemars is registered with the United Kennel Club as an American Pit Bull Terrier. He is 110 lbs and 25 inches tall. He eats about 4-5 pounds of raw food daily and loves pork, duck, and rabbit. You can find Audemars roaming outside protecting our property and chasing after tennis balls.
Pedigree: BullyPedia 

TCK Buddha

TCK Buddha

Buddha is from Iron Cross Kennels and 5150 Bloodline. He is blue brindle, 150 pounds, 24 inches tall, and has a 29 inch head. Buddha is son of the famous Iron Cross Stalefish and the grandson of Iron Cross Disciple. He is registered as an American Pit Bull Terrier with the United Kennel Club.


Pedigree: BullyPedia

Loyalvisions Don Pablito

Don Pablito aka Pablo was born on August 24th 2018. He is 110 lbs and 23 inches tall. Pablo is registered as an American Bully with the American Bully Kennel Club. He eats about 4 pounds of raw food daily and loves chicken and beef. You can find Pablo relaxing on the couch and hanging out with the family.
Pedigree: BullyPedia

XDP Catch Me If You Can Chuis

female xl american bully

Mo Chuisle was born on July 1st 2020. She is the daughter of XXL Designer Pit Bulls Saint Croix. Although she has American Bully traits and characteristics, Mo Chuisle is registered as an American Pit Bull Terrier with the United Kennel Club. She is a blue and white beauty with a thick body, wide chest, thick rear, and the most confident personality. She eats about 3-4 pounds of raw food daily and loves beef, turkey, and pork. You can find Mo Chuisle aka Chuis running around outside and playing with her favorite flirt pole.

Pedigree: BullyPedia

Badtothebone Livin' the Dream

blue female pit bull

Dream was born on April 25th 2019. She was a singleton, which means she was the only puppy in her litter. Dream is registered as an American Pit Bull Terrier with the United Kennel Club. She is about 80 pounds and 21 inches tall. Her look is from the razor edge bloodline which consists of shorter and more compact traits. Dream eats about 2.5 pounds of raw food daily and loves chicken and beef. You can find Dream chewing on her favorite indestructibone or outside playing with the spring pole.

Pedigree: PitPedia