Pit Bull Puppy Tales: Buddha x Wild Child Puppies at 32 Days Old

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Back again with another update - TCK Buddha x BadtotheBone Wild Child puppies at 32 days old! These tiny explorers have embraced the world around them with so much enthusiasm! We captured important milestones of our pit bull puppies' growth, from sipping their first drops of water, to their baby teeth making their grand entrance! Continue reading to learn more about Buddha x Wild Child puppies at 32 days old!

pit bull puppy 32 days old

*Purple Female 32 Days Old Buddha x Wild Child*

The Wonders of Water

Our pups started to drink water independently! Staying hydrated is a crucial step in their development, so watching them learn how to drink water on their own was a huge step. Introducing water early establishes good drinking habits, ensuring our puppies understand the importance of staying hydrated as they grow.  

4 week old puppy drinking water

*Purple Female Drinking Water, 32 Days Old Buddha x Wild Child*

Teething Time

Our pit bull puppies are currently in their teething period. During the teething period, we've noticed the pups chew on their toys, tug on their blankets, and gnaw each other playfully. We provided them with lots of different toys and textures to explore during this time.

4 week old pit bull teething

*Red Male Saying Cheese, 32 Days Old Buddha x Wild Child*

Food Fun

Exploring the world of food is always an exciting venture for our pit bull pups. Alongside their mother's milk, they also ate Stella & Chewy Meal Mixers, a wholesome addition to their diet.

In our dedication to provide our puppies with the best nutrition, we introduced a homemade Hemp milk blend. Making Hemp Milk for dogs is easy - just blend 2 cups of spring water, 2 tablespoons of hemp seeds, and 1/8 tsp of sea salt for 2 minutes.

4 week old pit bull blue brindle

Potty Training Progress

To encourage good potty habits, we introduced a potty box to our pit bull puppies' area. The potty box is a rabbit tray filled with pellet bedding.

Each morning as the puppies woke up, we gently guided them to the potty box. Their keen sense of smell and natural instincts kicked in, leading them to use their designated space. This early intro to the potty box not only encourages good habits, but also aligns with their natural inclination to keep their living area clean. It was so cool to witness their intelligence and adaptability as they learned this essential skill.  

potty box 4 week old puppies

Sweet Dreams

Just like human infants, puppies need a lot of sleep for proper growth and development. At 32 days old, their sleep is divided into short naps. The pups tend to wake up for short periods to eat and explore their surroundings - before falling asleep again :) As they grow older, they gradually spend less time sleeping and become more active and alert.

4 week old pit bull puppies sleeping

In this journey of growth and discovery, Buddha x Wild Child puppies are not just learning, but also thriving. Their resilience, curiosity, and endless love reminds us of the beauty in life's simple moments. Stay tuned for more updates as these little champs approach 5 weeks old!

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  • Desire Long on

    Are any of the grey pitbull puppies for sale?

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